Learn About Scams

Hey there! Concerned, about keeping your activities secure? Check out WebTrustScan to determine the legitimacy of websites you come across while surfing the web! We're here to assess websites for their legality and trustworthiness aiming to empower users with information and minimize the chances of falling victim to scams. Count, on us to enhance your internet safety and peace of mind.

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About WebTrustScan

Hey there! Welcome to WebTrustScan. Our team, at WebTrustScan is dedicated to ensuring your security and enhancing your internet browsing experience.

Navigating the landscape can be tricky and distinguishing between websites and potential scams is crucial. We strive to empower you with the information needed to make decisions when surfing the web by offering website reviews.

At WebTrustScan we employ algorithms and thorough data analysis to assess websites based on a range of criteria. Factors such as URL scrutiny, content evaluation, user feedback and past fraud incidents are taken into consideration. Our primary aim is to equip users with an efficient tool for identifying websites.

We encourage you to utilize WebTrustScan for verifying website trustworthiness before engaging in transactions. By leveraging our platform you can bolster your security. Safeguard yourself against fraudulent activities.

Thank you for entrusting WebTrustScan with your safety. Lets work together towards creating an more secure environment, for all users.

Recent Reviews

Very good service, IPTV Homeland is a very trusted website and delivered a good service. Highly recommended!

14 hours before

This is Sports Direct. This is not a official site. If you have been affected, start a chargeback with your banking account.

1 day before

I've had an excellent experience with this business that provides focused communication/marketing strategy services for ecological start-ups

1 day before

Got an SMS telling me I have a fine from "nyserviceezpass.com" - I don't even have an EZ Pass. Or a car.

1 day before


1 day before

This site provides false information. It is saying we will get additional child tax credit checks starting in July 2024, but I cannot find any legit sites that say the same.

1 day before

After being misled by a fraudulent advisor, BitHelpCrypto's clarity and support helped recover my investments and restore my confidence in crypto trading.

2 days before

Each order has been consistent in quality, and I appreciate the reliability. Knowing I'll receive what I expect every time is reassuring.

2 days before

The private PAL community is a supportive network of like-minded individuals. The shared knowledge and encouragement have been invaluable in my app development journey.

2 days before

The detailed IQ report from Cerebrum IQ helped me identify that my concentration needed work. Since focusing on their recommended games, I’ve noticed a big change in my ability to focus at work.

2 days before

This broker is a scam if only I had read about them before going into trade with them.

2 days before

This broker is a scam if only I had read about them before going into trade with them.

2 days before

seems unlikely to be legitimate. the address is a private home.

2 days before

Dacia Alexander Luxe Living Collective So I met Dacia Alexander's boyfriend, Devon Alexander. He offered to have his girlfriend (yes she changed her last name to his and they are not married to run these schemes) sell my house and cover my realtor fees. I was very thankful and appreciated the offer. So we signed a contract that Devon would pay my realtor fees. Once we had our buyer, I was then informed they did a double close on me, so Devon offered me 670k and he acted as the buyer and had the actual buyer's offer at 705k. So there was a 35k difference in the price I was supposed to receive. At closing Devon last minute asked me to transfer his realtor fee from the 2nd close to my close so I would cover the fee. I was kind and did it hoping he would honor his contract and reimburse me. It has been a week and I was just informed that he will not be honoring his contract to reimburse me for the realtor fees as promised. the house I sold is at 1725 SE 104th Ave, Portland, OR 97216.

2 days before

Devon Alexander owner of VSG LLC or VSG Connect offered me the deals he called Gator Loans. It is where you loan him money and he gives you a 30 - 100% return in 1 - 4 weeks. He does small amounts to start then works you up to large amounts. He currently owes me in contracts over 160k and just informed me today that he will not pay me. He owed me the money with a due date December 2023. It is now June 2024. He has even asked me for more money on multiple occasions. He even asked me to get my friends involved so he could use their money to pay me back. I cannot belive I waited so long to realize he was a complete scammer.

2 days before

I am happy with their service I recently purchase a service repair manual for my tractor, I have all details which i need for repair my tractor and I also get Instant download link after payment

2 days before

This website is made by professionals and has good quality content. Yes it is recently made, but it will be a great source for reviews in the future.

2 days before

The instant access to the 2024 video course allowed me to hit the ground running. The comprehensive and practical content has been crucial in my journey to creating successful apps.

2 days before

For my home decor business, Instagram is a vital showcase platform. Blastup.com boosted my profile visibility, attracting home design enthusiasts and increasing our sales and client inquiries.

2 days before

Able has empowered me to take control of my health and lifestyle. The resources and support provided have made it possible for me to transform my life in ways I didn’t think were possible.

3 days before

How to Tell If a Website Is Legitimate or a Scam

When you're online there's always a chance of coming across deceptive websites. Here are some ways to figure out if a website is trustworthy or potentially fraudulent;

off take note of the websites URL. Reputable sites usually begin with "https;//". Show a padlock symbol to indicate they're secure. Suspicious sites might have lengthy URLs.

Next review the sites content. Spelling mistakes, strange layouts and nonsensical information are warning signs of scams. Trustworthy websites typically feature coherent content.

Additionally look into reviews and feedback, from users. Reviews can offer insights into the credibility of a site. If there are reviews or complaints about a website it's wise to be cautious.

Always avoid sharing financial details unless you're confident in the legitimacy of the website. Unreliable sites could misuse information, for purposes.

Lastly check the contact details provided on the website. Legitimate and dependable websites usually offer contact information. If contact details are missing or seem suspicious it could cast doubts on the credibility of the site.

By following these guidelines you can browse the internet securely. Reduce your risk of falling prey to deceptive websites.

Real or Scam ?

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Our platform uses algorithms and various data sources to assess websites. Each website undergoes an assessment based on criteria and analytical techniques to ascertain its authenticity or potential fraudulent nature.

We examine URLs, review content consider feedback, from users and refer to data outlets to identify websites.

Cybercrime is always changing. We stay informed, about these developments. Regularly revise our analysis techniques to safeguard our users from the recent risks.

People who visit our platform can acquire knowledge, about websites and ensure safer online choices. Furthermore users have the opportunity to participate in our community by flagging sites.

Absolutely there is no cost associated with using our website. Our aim is to educate and safeguard individuals who use the internet.

To report a website to our platform users have the option to submit information via our contact form or send us an email directly. Our team takes action to investigate all reports in order to safeguard our communitys well being.